Template:UI Node Settings

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Revision as of 21:56, 28 February 2023 by Blayze (talk | contribs) (Adds UItf description)
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As a UI Node, the Node possesses the UI Transform and Background Colour settings.

  • UI Transform: Configures the position of this Node's UI element within the [The Controller|controller]]. The Position x and y values control the position of the center of this element on the controller, from the bottom left (i.e. x and y values of 0 result in its center being in the bottom left, x and y values of 1 result in its center being in the top right). The Scale x and y values control the width and height of this Node's UI element, relative to the controller's width and height. Scaling occurs from the center of the ui element.
  • Background Colour: Configures the background colour of this Node's UI element when it is drawn to the [The Controller|controller]].