The Controller
The Controller Page, accessible from the RoboPad Main Page is the page that actually allows you to control your RoboPad remotely. It renders every UI Element Node from the Nodegraph to the screen, allowing you to interact with them. Evidently, this page can change entirely depending on the contents of the nodegraph.
The only time that a RoboPad is not in it's emergency stop state is when there is at least one user connected to the RoboPad and viewing this page. Similarly, as noted in the emergency stop page, when entering this page most IO Units will be in their emergency stop state, meaning that the signals sent to each IO Unit must pass through that IO Unit's safe value before the unit will respond. This can either be done by manually moving a UI element into a safe position (like having to place a control slider into the "down" position to safely control a servo), or by having the UI element already start in a safe position - as is the case with slider nodes on the default nodegraph.