Delay Node

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Delay Node
  • delay
  • input a
  • [...input N]
  • output a
  • [...output N]
Version Introduced

The Delay Node is a simple node that allows you to delay signals by a set number of milliseconds. By default it delays a single signal by 1000ms (1 second). Delay time and number of signals channels can be changed.

When a signal is consumed through its input port (for example, input a), the relevant output port (here output a) will then emit that signal delay milliseconds later. The specific delay can be set in the node's settings window, or via the delay input port, which over-writes the value set in the settings window. It is useful to remember that as the delay value is expressed in milliseconds, all input signals should be in milliseconds - for instance, attaching a slider (that emits values between 0 and 1) to a Delay Node's delay input port will only configure delays of up to 1 millisecond. As such you should look to use Math or Scaler Nodes to scale the value in this type of case.

Delay Nodes were introduced in firmware version 2.3-b2.


The Delay Node only has two settings:

  • Default Delay (ms): This specifies how many milliseconds input signals will be delayed for if nothing is connected to the delay input port. By default set to 1000.
  • Input Count: This specifies how many signals this delay node can independently delay. By default this is set to 1, meaning that only "input a" and "output b" input and output ports are available. Increasing this will open up additional input and output ports where each will delay the signal from one to the other by delay milliseconds, without triggering/interfering with each other.