Joystick Mixer Node

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Joystick Mixer Node
  • xaxis
  • yaxis
  • left drive
  • right drive
Version Introduced

The Joystick Mixer Node is a single-purpose node that takes x and y axis signals, ostensibly from a Joystick Node and mixes them to generate left/right differential drive motor drive signals that can be passed to H-Bridge IO Units.

Joystick Mixer Nodes were introduced in firmware version 2.1 along with all basic nodes. It has no configurable settings.


Joystick Mixer Nodes have two input ports: xaxis and yaxis, which - just as their counter parts in the Joystick Node's output ports - represent a position between (0, 0) and (1, 1) on a dual-axis joystick, where (0.5, 0.5) is the central position - the neutral position where no motion should occur.


Joystick Mixer Nodes have two output ports: left drive and right drive that reprsent the velocity of a left or right drive motor in a differential drive robot, from 0 to 1 where 0 is fully reverse and 1 is fully forward - just as should be used for H-Bridge IO Unit input ports.